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scope42 supports formatting text with Markdown in most places.


For the basic syntax, refer to the CommonMark documentation.

It is extended by support for GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown). This enables auto-detection of links, footnotes, strikethrough, tables and tasklists. Example:


## Autolink literals,, and

## Footnote

A note[^1]

[^1]: Big note.

## Strikethrough

~one~ or ~~two~~ tildes.

## Table

| a | b | c | d |
| - | :- | -: | :-: |

## Tasklist

* [ ] to do
* [x] done

Syntax Highlighting

To enable syntax highlighting for code blocks, you need to specify the language. Example:

console.log("Hello World")

List of supported languages

There is a custom directive for linking to scope42 items. For example, if you want to reference issue-42:

In order to resolve :link{#issue-42}, we need to...

Mermaid Diagrams

You can directly embed different types of diagrams using Mermaid. To do this, simply create a code block with mermaid as language:

flowchart LR
Start --> Stop

For comprehensive guides on the diagram syntax, please refer to the Mermaid documentation.